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Resultados 11-20 de 29.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
22-oct-2015Calpain-like: a Ca2 positive dependent cystein protease in Entamoeba histolytica cell deathDAVID GUILLERMO PEREZ ISHIWARA
2016Decatropis bicolor (Zucc.) Radlk essential oil induces apoptosis of the MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lineDAVID GUILLERMO PEREZ ISHIWARA
31-may-2010Entamoeba histolytica: differential gene expression during programmed cell death and identification of early pro-and anti-apoptotic signalsDAVID GUILLERMO PEREZ ISHIWARA
5-sep-2013Entamoeba histolytica P-glycoprotein (EhPgp) inhibition, induce trophozoite acidification and enhance programmed cell deathDAVID GUILLERMO PEREZ ISHIWARA
mar-2005Entamoeba histolytica: functional characterization of the -234 to -196bp promoter region of the multidrug resistance EhPgp1 geneDAVID GUILLERMO PEREZ ISHIWARA
2005Entamoeba histolytica EhPgp5 transcriptional activation depends on putative emetine response elementsDAVID GUILLERMO PEREZ ISHIWARA
15-ago-2007Evidence of vertical transmission of dengue virus in two endemic localities in the State of Oaxaca, MexicoDAVID GUILLERMO PEREZ ISHIWARA
30-dic-2013Evaluation of antioxidant enzymes in response to predator odor stress in prefrontal cortex and amygdalaDAVID GUILLERMO PEREZ ISHIWARA
6-may-2009Distribution of dengue cases in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, during the period 2004–2006DAVID GUILLERMO PEREZ ISHIWARA
feb-2015Effect of Heterotheca inuloides essential oil on rat cytoskeleton articular chondrocytesDAVID GUILLERMO PEREZ ISHIWARA

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